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Monthly horoscope

November 2024

ariesAries (march 21 – April 19)

You examine one aspect of your life in depth in November with the goal of evaluating it and making adjustments. This may have to do with business, taxes, inheritances, or investments. Any aspect of your personal life, however, could come under scrutiny. This is akin to a personal inventory. You could also have mystical experiences or moments of deep introspection where you realize exactly what needs to change.

taurusTaurus (April 20 – may 20)

This month, sensuality is a big theme for Taurus. You'll likely seek a close relationship with your spouse or look for someone with whom you can have a solid partnership. You want to have a successful union, whether in the bedroom, spa, or kitchen. You need to take action, whether it's improving your intimate skills or going to couples therapy, if your relationship with your closest loved ones feels a little stagnant.

geminiGemini (may 21 – June 20)

Your stamina and health are your top priorities now. November is a great month to engage in healthy activities and take breaks whenever you want. You may need to completely change or reinvent your way of life. Now is the time to start making daily improvements to your heart rate and diet. Work-related changes may require you to reorganize your personal routine. Prioritize your health.

cancerCancer (June 21 – July 22)

It's time to play! It's your month to highlight the good and be creative, even if not everything in your life may feel playful. Your role models are children. Learn by observing. You, too, have the ability to be present, take breaks, and engage in your favorite activities. You might enjoy a pleasurable hobby or romantic relationship, whether new or existing. The goal is to actively seek out happy people and enjoyable activities.

lionLeo (July 23 – August 22)

This month, you're probably feeling the urge to do some spring cleaning, or perhaps a home improvement project has sparked some activity around the house. Another possibility is that guests are forcing you to rearrange your living space. November is a month that emphasizes spending quality time at home or in your home office, regardless of your particular situation. Taking up a creative hobby at home could also be enjoyable.

virgoVirgo (August 23 – September 22)

This is the ideal time of year to evaluate your thoughts, attitude, and communication style. Writing lists, signing up for a nearby class to improve your skills, or taking a quick trip could all be beneficial. Your relationships with siblings, neighbors, and those in your immediate vicinity are being watched. Make sure you pay attention to the signals that are being conveyed at this time.

libraLibra (September 23 – October 22)

Money is the main concern now. You'll probably find that money is an enabler if you're a Libra. The question this month is: Do you have a personal budget that works for your spending and your relationship? The books need to be balanced. You might also need to discuss money matters with your closest family members. As you make decisions about your money, keep your identity intact.

scorpioScorpio (October 23 – November 21)

For Scorpios, November is a supercharged month. It's time to start following your interests. This is about what sparks your passion, not what you think you should be doing. Mars, the planet that rules your solar chart, is high in your chart and is urging you to discover your true north. You must take a strong stand and take action to achieve your individual goals. This is about your personal success.

sagittariusSagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You're getting ready to enter Sagittarius season in your usual upbeat way at the beginning of November. You work behind the scenes at the beginning of the month before taking center stage in the middle. It's time to take stock of your accomplishments from the past year and make plans for the next. You need to cooperate with your closest loved ones, or you can attract a new romantic partner. You have a choice.

capricornCapricorn (December 22 – January 19)

If there was ever a time of year when diligent Capricorns could relax, it would be now. The social sector of your Sun Fire is highlighted, allowing you to unwind or take a short break from work if you so choose. You can increase your social life through professional relationships or free up some time for friends and group activities.

aquariusAquarius (January 20 – February 18)

On November 20, the transformational planet Pluto returns to your zodiac sign after a brief break, signaling further personal development. You should let go of anyone or anything that is interfering with your goals and align yourself with your true north during this month. You can set both immediate and long-term career goals. You might be surprised when a helpful woman offers to lend a hand.


piscesPisces (February 19 – march 20)

Being a born dreamer, you will no doubt be excited to know that November is a month when you can fully dedicate yourself to creative activities. Ideally, you can go away and take a break from work. If you can't escape your regular obligations, you could find time to read, watch motivational movies, organize a vacation abroad or listen to music after work.

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Hilda Duarte Vergara
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