People have difficult conversations all the time. We all have times in our lives when we need to be able to tell someone how we feel about something, even if they don't agree with us. There are times when things get out of hand when we're in the middle of a fight.
In these situations, it's especially important to slow down, take a breath, and use conscious and effective communication skills to get the job done. Here's a special Tarot reading for effective communication that I've done. You can use it to put these techniques into practice.
As a first step, let's talk about the principles and techniques of good communication.
There are ways to communicate more effectively
The first step is to name the emotion you are feeling.
The first step in communicating what we feel is to take a moment to think about what we feel and name it. It's surprising how often we have conversations that end in arguments because we can't express what we really feel, even to ourselves. It's time to take a breath and ask yourself, "What emotion am I feeling right now?"
Feel the emotion in your body
Once you've named the emotion, find where it shows up in your body. Sadness, frustration, confusion, or anger are all good places to look. Do your shoulders feel a little tense? No, I don't feel that in the pit of my stomach. Maybe your palms are sweaty or you have a lump in your throat.
People who pay attention to their emotions and name and feel the physical sensations that accompany them can bring their attention back to the present moment. This helps us stay mindful (in charge of our emotions) and grounded when we talk to other people.
Tell people how you feel
The next step is to tell the person how you feel. You can even think of a time when you had a similar experience and remember how you felt. This can help the other person understand where you are coming from and how you feel.
Instead of saying things like “You…”, try saying things like “I am” and “I feel.” For example, “I’m angry and I feel like I’m not being heard.” My ex used to make me feel bad when I tried to talk to him about something. It's hard for me because it reminds me of how he made me feel. It's better to pay attention to how you feel than to how the other person "makes you feel",
This is the fourth step…
If you're having a difficult conversation with someone, you both have a right to feel the way you do. Make room for them to talk about how they feel, even if you don't understand them at first. There are no "wrong" ways to feel.
One way to listen better is to ask open-ended questions like, “Can you tell me more about that?” because I think I feel this way about this. Paraphrase: It’s also a good idea to do this so the other person can see what you’ve heard.
You might say, “What I’m hearing is that what I said made you angry and made you feel like your opinion wasn’t valid.” Is that correct? In other words, “I can see why this topic bothers you so much.”
It's time to fix things with your partner
Last but not least, both people need to work things out and agree on a way forward together. Now is the time for each person to make sure they know where their boundaries are and what they will do to prevent this situation from happening again.
Tarot can help us learn to communicate effectively in a beautiful way. That's why I came up with the new Effective Communication Tarot Spread, which you can use. In this set, there are cards that show each of the five stages of effective communication and conflict resolution.
There are many reasons why we can't communicate with our families, friends, partners, coworkers, or the rest of the world. Keep in mind that your feelings and opinions are important to you, but don't forget that they are. You have a right to feel what you feel (and so does everyone else). There are ways to communicate our feelings effectively and from the heart, but you have to learn how to do it.
You can be the change you want to see in the world and lead by example when it comes to having difficult conversations with grace and understanding. You can also do this by being the person you want to see in the world. You can use Tarot as a guide to start making changes.
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